The first decentralized telecommunications ecosystem that allows mobile network operators, phone users and service providers to interact directly.
How often do you use mobile communications? Personally, I am every day on a regular basis. And, in my opinion, it is not surprising that anyone who is fully and functioning in this world can no longer do without a cell phone. After all, this is the most convenient way of communication, the most optimal way to inform someone about certain information, well, and so on. I think you understand what I'm talking about. It is everyday and understandable to everyone.
BubbleTone is the industry's first crypto-currency project, whose idea is based on the decentralization of the telecommunications ecosystem. This ecosystem allows direct interaction between mobile network operators, phone users and service providers.
Telecom 2.0: Blockchain replaces old and expensive cruising technology in total by implementing smart contracts into mobile operator interactions.
Blockchain at Telecom is based on a conspiracy of "Critical Evidence" to process millions of smart contracts between mobile operators worldwide:

The process of creating and executing smart contracts is not seamless for the customer and takes about a minute. Direct connections to local carriers provide low tariffs and high quality LTE, with easy management using Bubbletone mobile apps that have 100+ useful functions.
Crypto holders can set up their own nodes to get Universal Mobile Tokens (UMT) on intelligent contract processing. Increased demand and restricted offers from tokens provide a large revenue stream for each participant:
Easy to get started:

For more info please see the following video:
now we have the opportunity to make calls at very favorable prices in every corner of the world, directly and without difficulty to connect the conditions and tariffs of local mobile operators. We do not need to constantly change your phone number, bring some phones to you to change SIM card your number remains the same. You will have the opportunity to use next generation mobile innovative multi-function communications technology. In addition, many benefits are also learned by mobile subscribers, operators, mobile service providers:
Pertama, dengan proyek BubbleTone, masing-masing operator akan diminati, secara global tanpa menggunakan kerja keras, karena BubbleTone akan mengurus pengorganisasian proses ini.
Kedua, operator seluler manapun dapat langsung mengakses pasar telekomunikasi internasional dengan menghubungi jutaan pelanggan baru dari seluruh dunia; — Ketiga, operator seluler akan mendapat banyak manfaat dari pelaksanaan gagasan proyek BubbleTone, karena mereka akan sepenuhnya meningkatkan pendapatan mereka melalui distribusi layanan.
Bertukar data seluler dengan tarif lokal di 80 negara, termasuk Eropa, Nothern America, Asia, Australia, Timur Tengah dan Afrika Selatan :

The BubbleTone team works with carriers currently providing services to their customers in over 80 countries worldwide. And this means the team can provide services to its customers at local rates without roaming in more than eighty countries. And this is already talking about the successful outcomes of team activities. More detailed information can be found on the official site of the BubbleTone project.
What are the benefits:
The transaction can not be denied. Operations performed in blockchain can hardly be false or hidden. This factor is important for both the operator and the client.
Secure data All blockchain is stored in many nodes in the network, in multiple copies, so the chances of data loss are very low.
The transaction error rate is minimized, as each action is controlled by strict code on the carrier node.
Less traffic is transmitted between operators - all interactions are now done through a decentralized p2p network.
Any additional code that the system runs is empty of sensitive information that can be stolen. The only data that needs protection is the private key of the participants.
Other benefits of specific blockchain are given below.
We have analyzed many blockchain platforms and consider them unsuitable for the telecommunications industry, as their transaction processing speed is rather low and we do not want to disappoint our clients.
Our preferred platform is Graphene, which underlies the decentralization of BitShares exchanges and widely known projects such as Steemit, Golos and EOS. Our developers promise more than 10,000 transactions
Meet our new blockchain-based project platform.
Our company has been in the telecommunications business for more than 20 years. Seventeen years ago we were among the first to create a platform for intelligent communications services, including fixed-mobile convergence.
For over 18 years we have successfully developed our own MVNO operator company with a client base of over 250,000 subscribers.
However, as MVNO operators who offer their services only in limited areas, we still can not provide global roaming services to our clients despite many efforts.
Such projects require us to sign contracts with around hundreds of global carriers, pay a lot of money for technology convergence, check the quality of services provided (voice, data, SMS, MMS, real-time billing, signaling etc.) and also guarantee 300,000-500,000 commitment per year. Obviously, a project of such scale demands extensive material and human resources.
To provide roaming services to our customers, we develop and bring to commercial operation a dedicated OTA platform that enables the long-distance exchange between phone profiles and SIM cards, practically quickly. It looks like you just bought a new local SIM card and put it on your phone.
We partner with carriers who currently provide services to their customers in over 80 countries and who agree to sell their mobile profiles, giving them deposits. In fact, we are able to provide services to our clients at local rates without roaming in more than 80 countries. But there is great inconvenience: buying a profile involves paying a deposit in each country, setting up online billing and, for many countries, completing the KYC form.
An operational platform capable of uploading a mobile profile on a customer's SIM card;
2. Applet Operations certified by one of the world's largest SIM card manufacturers, Oberthur Technologies (OT) and Safran Identity & Security (Morpho), which determines whether the customer is in his home or guest network. Depending on the settings, automatically swap the mobile home profile for newly downloaded by our platform.
Beta version of messenger with a fun name - Bubbletone - but serious technological capabilities. The Beta version is available on Google Play Market and Apple App Store.
The project also released its own messenger, which is configured specifically for the needs of mobile operators. Beta can be downloaded now to your smartphone, for download link you can click below link in accordance with your flatform.
We chose a substantive name: where travelers can be full-featured operating tools for users, very easy to use as a processing bubble. We have a tendency to believe that this delightful brand can make many of our travelers recognizable around the world.
The Bubbletone app contains more than one hundred functions, each high demand by the user.
For our current project, the most important functions required are:
store your phone in various applications around the swapping of remote SIM card profiles. Customers are ready to receive incoming calls through the Associate in Nursing scientific discipline channel and also get the original mobile service pack in the countries visited.
Bubbletone exploits because the first shopper of a decentralized network supports blockchain technology (described below), that we have a tendency to develop regional units.
Blockchain created it for the North American country to change the game principle: we tend to only eliminate roaming.
Collaboration by mobile operators from completely different countries to form roaming can be done involving Brobdingnagian spending for infrastructure support. In fact, the provision of services to network subscribers on other networks requires a complex interaction between the various instrumentations of suppliers.
Our resolution can let operators to dispose of most of this infrastructure as a result of several needs, such as validity, integrity and powerlessness, an area unit coated by the technology itself. We are not daydreaming - we all know exactly that the minimum knowledge area units are processed by the operator during the provision of services and what methods sound like that. In our system, the interactions between carriers are encoded during a good reliable and easy contract that contains everything necessary to supply roaming services.
Why should someone visit another country paying 8-10 times above the local? this often does not make sense. Plus, the poor country, craving cruising.
In our system, we modify the "push" paradigm, wherever operators "force" their customers to other carriers' networks, to "pull", wherever operators see the new buyers themselves, firmly set them up, and connect them to their own networks. Our good contracts can be an undeniable deal between two operators as well as buyers themselves who are mechanically enforced.
In short, our code chooses the appropriate operator for shoppers who can provide shoppers with roaming or other communications services and make reasonable contracts through one transaction where each party will "sign" for each action, attaching the required knowledge to the contract at any time (encrypted data properly so that it is fully accessible to the parties.) Each "signature" is written into a blockchain and can be used as a reliable data supply of contract status.
With our solutions, operators will be able to publish their offer price on the blockchain network and automatically get connected clients. The client will receive all the data necessary for connection with just a few transactions and the operator will safely save the money to pay for the service. The amount of unnecessary traffic and hardware to be released because the solution is quite striking. This is not magic or hoax, but a new algorithm with ready-made ready-made functions for companies that provide information services.
For More Info please visit:
Website: http://bubbletone.io/
Twitter BubbleTone: http://twitter.com/bubbletone_eng
Telegram BubbleTone: http://t.me/bubbletone
White Paper: http://bubbletone.io/BubbleTone_Whitepaper_29Dec2017.pdf
Bitcointalk profil: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1299687
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